International payments are widely used all over the world. Using the system of international payments, it is easy and safe to purchase goods and services in any country of the world, book hotels and air tickets, pay with suppliers and partners, pay wages to employees working in other countries.
International payments and transfers: quick and secure
International payments and transfers can be made with different companies, but it will not always be profitable and convenient. One of the best services with which you can send international money transfers quickly and reliably is WestStein. Money transfers are easy to make in more than 200 countries of the world, so our service is becoming more and more popular every day.
Consider the main advantages of the WestStein service, which our customers have already appreciated:
• observance of complete confidentiality and security, which is one of the important requirements for making money transfers;
• full control over cash flow;
• user-friendly interface of the mobile application, which is easy to understand;
• the ability to transfer money from card to card without commission or by paying the minimum interest;
• if necessary, you can withdraw currency from an ATM, while the commission will be minimal;
• financial advice is provided in the client’s language;
• all clients of the service can open an online WestStein current account;
• You can replenish your account and virtual card in any way convenient for the client;
• pay for goods and services easily and quickly on the Internet and in regular stores around the world.
International transfers using a mobile application
All clients of the service can install the WestStein mobile application for their maximum convenience of transferring money. Transactions using the application take a few seconds.
This is very convenient and profitable, since it may be necessary to pay for purchases, pay off customers, suppliers or urgently transfer money to your loved ones, parents and children at any moment. Unlike a computer or tablet, a phone is usually always in a pocket or bag with its owner. In order to successfully conduct a transaction, it will be enough for you to be in the Internet coverage area and have money in your account.
All your cash flows will be reflected in the application and at any time you can display an analytics report.
Favorable international money transfers from card to card
The popularity of money transfers from card to card is becoming more popular every day. They are called P2P (person-to-person), which means money transfers between people from card to card.
This transaction has significant advantages:
• Guaranteed respect for confidentiality and security;
• money transfers can be made 24/7 from anywhere in the world;
• minimum requirements for successful transfers.
The company securely protects all customer information with the Mastercard 3D Secure system. Using the card and making money transfers, you are not only protected from cyber fraudsters, but also from making random transfers or transferring an erroneous amount.
Opening an online WestStein account
To send international transfers in the WestStein system, you need to open an online account. Each client of our company has a current account with an IBAN code, thanks to which it becomes possible to use online payments all over the world without limitation.
To open an account, register on the WestStein website by filling out a standard form, indicating your first and last name, address, phone number and e-mail. This account is not linked to the main account and is completely independent. It will have as much money as it will be replenished, and there are no restrictions.
After registering an account, a virtual card becomes available to the client, with which they can freely make international money transfers. A plastic equivalent of a digital card will be delivered to the specified address 10 days after the account is created.
Sending international payments online with WestStein is easy. The recipient must have a card with an IBAN code. And the sender must know the account or card number, the name and surname of the recipient. After sending, and then after receiving the funds, the sender will receive notifications of the withdrawal and crediting of funds to the recipient.
In order to receive a transfer, the client must provide his payment details to the sender and wait for the funds to be credited to his account soon.
Make money transfers around the world with WestStein, it is simple, safe and even pleasant!