You will find the fees for the main types of transactions below. Detailed information on fees for all types of transactions is presented in Terms and Conditions.
Virtual card fee
EUR 3.00
Plastic card fee
EUR 7.00
Monthly service fee
EUR 3.00
Secondary card fee
EUR 19.99
WestStein card-to-card transfer
1% of the amount
SEPA incoming payments
1% of the amount, min 0.5€, max 9€
SEPA outgoing payments
0.45% of the amount, min 0.5€, max 5€
International SWIFT payment
EUR 9.99
Card replacement
EUR 10.00
Domestic ATM withdrawal per transaction (Eurozone countries in EUR)
2% of transaction amount, min 1 €
International ATM withdrawal per transaction
2.50€ + 1.5% of amount + 4% FX
ATM balance check
EUR 0.50
Card payment (Eurozone countries in EUR)
International card payment
EUR 0.50 + currency exchange fee 3% of the spent amount
Card top-up by external Debit Card
3% of the transaction amount
Card top-up by external Credit Card
5% of the transaction amount
Subsequent PIN еnquiry
EUR 1.50
Deposit to Card API fee
EUR 0.55
Maximum card balance
EUR 16 800
SEPA incoming payment per day (max 3 transactions)
per month
per year
EUR 5 600
WestStein card to WestStein card payment per day
per month
per year
EUR 5 600
Total loading amount per day
per month
per year
EUR 5 600
EUR 5 600
EUR 67 200
SEPA outgoing payment per day
per month
per year
EUR 5 600
Domestic & International purchase transactions per day (max 20 transactions)
per month
per year
EUR 8 000
ATM limits per day (max 3 transactions)
per month
per year
per single transaction
EUR 1500
EUR 750
Total spending amount per day
per month
per year
EUR 8 000
*A non-verified customer is an individual who has not completed the client identification procedure and who, in comparison to a verified customer, has significantly lower loading, cash withdrawal, payment and balance limits.
**A verified customer is an individual who has completed the client identification procedure. After successfully completing this process, a non-verified client becomes verified and can fully enjoy all the features and benefits of the card. Read more in the Support section.